Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Arrondissment 1e

1. Don't throw away your work!!! You don't always see the value of your work at the moment you capture it.

2. Documentary work can be a diary of your times and what it means to be you at that time.

3. It is important to consider what do in a greater aspect than 2 dimensions and in a frame broader than cameras. Consider photography an art that informs and which is informed by other mediums. Keep Your Mind and Style OPEN! ! !

4. See your work as part of a larger body: your life. There are good days and bad all can inform your life and your work.

Pear the Camera: Or how ARBUS works/thinks

I was set to head out to shoot the ART HOP, all set, until I noticed my camera wouldn't turn on, or fire properly.
Digital convience meets digital frustrations. My analog Leica could have defended a city from marauding Liverpool fans and then gone on to shoot properly for years, but alas a little bit of mushed pear in my book bag has disabled my luxury item for the night. So instead of joinng ALL my students on the prowl, I was at home like some watchmaker bent over my kitchen table swabbing rubbing alcohol on my digital wonder.
Anyways enough of that! We covered Diane Arbus on wednesday and here are some of her thoughts, quoted from Susan Sontag's "On Photography":

If I were just curious, it would be very hard to say to someone, " I want to come
to your house and have you talk to me and tell me the story of your life." I mean
people are going to say, "You're crazy." Plus they're going to keep mighty guarded.
But the camera is a kind of license. A lot of people, they want to be paid that much
attention and that's a reasonable kind of attention to be paid.